Holistic Care Plus is one of the fastest growing care services provider of staff to the healthcare industry across the UK.


We have achieved much and we continuously seek to do more to meet the needs of our increasing clients. We strive to attract more people from a wide range of backgrounds and we celebrate equality and diversity in all that we offer to our clients. This way of doing things helps us delivering a high quality and safe services nationwide. Hence, we have never stopped growing our staffs database by allowing new care pensioned people to join us.

We offer following services

  • Care Assistants
  • Support workers
  • Respite for carers
  • Nurses
  • Sleep-in/sleep-over
  • Live-in
  • Companionship and social support
  • Administration and supervision of medication
  • Chefs & Domestic Workers

If you are keen to build your career dream and to gain immense reward, from doing what you have passion for, please email your cover letter and cv to info@holisticcareplus.com